Friday, August 8, 2014

Post op Day #2

I'm not sure where post op day 1 ended and post op day 2 began. As we put him to bed, I discovered that he had leaked poo all down his leg into his sock, all over the sheet covering his play mat and of course because I didn't discover this until he was in all his bedding now needed changing. So a "spit shower" later with clean sheets we were ready for bed. He slept good and hard. 
His IV kept beeping "downstream occlusion" so we finally adjusted his hand with stuffed animals. Then we learned that when he sleeps on his back his heart rate slows to 58, so we adjusted the monitors to accommodate that.
Then at about 3 or 4 the aide came in for vitals to find the bed soaking wet!  As we got Hyrum off the bed, we discoverd his IV unconnected. So not all the wet came from Hyrum. But he got another wash down, clean pjs, and clean bedding! The nice part was the nurse unhooked his IV. We slept great until 7 when the nurses came in with shift report. His IV proved to be too tired to work any more. But he wouldn't let anyone touch him, so before he could be stopped or slowed down, Hyrum ripped off the tape and IV all in one motion. Afterwards Hyrum wanted his iPad and real clothes on.
Hyrum has done really well for the rest of the day. He has had more chocolate milk today not to mention a couple of dounuts, Mac and cheese and milk shakes.
We are going to need to do an extra flush just to get rid of all that processed sugar!  But we are down to taking only ibuprofen. We cleaned up his surgical site and We exchanged his bandages for new ones.
He handle the flush amazingly well once we convinced him to let us hook him up.
 Everything is looking really good and like we get to go home! He was super excited to ride in a wheel chair. 
But even happier to be in the car with his brother. 
And big brother was so happy to have him home that he let Hyrum play with his leggos well into the evening
Overall a very successful day!

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