Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day of Surgery and Post Op Day 1

After my own shower, I realized in all the hustle and bustle of the night before that Hyrum did not get his pre surgery shower.  So in the shower with his Dad he went. I asked him if he wanted to comb his hair, he said "why they are just cutting it off anyways."  So we got a messy hair picture...
We were supposed to be at the center by 7 am. And we made it barely by 7. Hyrum became quiet and very calm  as the time came closer. Hyrum had to take in his "friends" to keep him company while he waited.

While waiting Hyrum became very cuddly to both John and I.  He loved sitting and having John play with his hair.

He then ended up between both John and I, so we took a second selfie (which if anyone knows me, I'm not a huge selfie person) for the day.

The staff was very good with Hyrum asking him questions and letting him answer questions. We got him back and changed with a couple of warm blankets that he loved...

 The anesthesiologist let Hyrum listen to his own heart and let his "Bing boo" listen to his heart also.
It's always hard to watch your kid be wheeled away from you.  There are so many unknowns that could happen.

It was reported back to us that he was more calm than they were used to. He went to sleep even faster.

They got a late start. A little after 8 am. Dr Reinisch came out about 2:30 pm to let us know about the urine issues  they were having and to let us know they were ⅔ of the way done. He told us 3 more hours and they would be done, then off to recovery. During surgery, he told us that the Catheter gave them grief. Hyrum would leak around it, if the balloon was inflated they would get no urine out of him, they tried different sizes to no avail. They finally gave up and just let it be. 

The only other problem that they had was that Hyrums neck does not turn to the left very well. So instead of working down on Hyrum they had to raise him up and work sideways on him. 

John and I ate dinner closer to 5 so that when Hyrum woke up we could concentrate on him and not have stomachs contending for attention. John finished, I made it half way thru when both Dr Roberson and Dr Reinisch came out to talk with us. They thought Hyrum did great. Both were concerned about the problems with his bladder. Suggested we get some over the counter stuff to help out and to call with any issues. 
Hyrum was in recovery for about 1 ½ hours. It took him a little time to wake up. And when he did. It was "I want to go home". He finally took down ice chips, started breathing in his own, and kept down some apple juice.

He tried to pee and was unsuccessful. We got a few bloody drops. We talked about what to do, went over discharge instructions and got Hyrum dressed. Again the staff was amazing, they allowed Hyrum to help take his IV out.

He allowed the nurse to transfer Hyrum to the wheel chair where he proceeded to wheel himself "outta there."
He did allow for a few pictures, but was overall very happy to be "going home."  I sat in the back with him, just to make sure everything was ok on the way.

At the hotel, he still had a hard time peeing.  After attempting every 2 hours without success.We decided it was time to call the doctor as he had yet to go,by this time it was 11 pm.  It was suggested to up his pain meds.  This helped and by 2:30 am he was able to manage a urination.  It was painful, but he was defiantly feeling much better for him. He continued to pee every 2 hours and we continued to give him pain meds every 4 hours. I love watching kids sleep.  Hyrum is not allowed to sleep on his right side, so he was making sure he didn't roll onto his side.
 We were able to get him out of bed at 8 am this morning with the tempting thought of Waffles.  This kid will do most anything for waffles.  He did only eat half what he used to, but at least he ate something.

We returned back to the room where he decided to relax with some PBSKids so that I could pack us back up.

We returned to my cousins home with little to no problems, except that he isn't interested in eating. But I get him to drink every once in a while.  I had to do a quick stop at the grocery store, and bought him a donut (his other pit fall) for later on.

We made sure that Hyrum was well insulated for the trip to my cousins home.
One thing about Hyrum and surgeries that we have learned, is that he can become very non-communicative after surgeries especially the larger ones.  So he will just stare at us.  John tells me he's stoned.  I think he is still coming off the medications.  But he has loved listening to us read him well wishes from Facebook, his eyes will light up.  And every once in a while, it will come down and swoop up one of the sides of his smiler.

But as this is post op day one we are taking things very easy and lazy.

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