Do you ever feel like you have been living in a fog? For the last few years, I have felt that way. It has been a nice feeling the last couple of months as I feel like that fog is lifting. I look back and it really is foggy. I don't think it was just one thing that created this fog. I had so many doctor appointments, I was so tired from not sleeping during the night, but being up all day with kids. Then I found ourselves swamped with Medical Bills and the last few years financial difficulties.
That when I was home, I would just sit on the couch and not be able to function.
I now find myself with more energy each day and the fog lifting each day. I have learned to not expect so much from myself. You must wonder, what the heck, that's so degrading on yourself. What I mean is that I used to create huge "to-do" lists for each day. When you live in a fog, it's like you can't function and your brain shuts down. As the fog lifts you have to take it slowly or you will find yourself going back into that fog. So if you find yourself coming out of a fog, do it gradually. Assign yourself only one major task a day. For me, I have only been able to surface clean. I just can't do more than that on a given day. So each day my goal is to take one area of my house and clean it better, if I feel in the mood to do more, I will, but I'm not obligated to do it that day. By giving myself that out, I find I have the energy to do more. But I am slowly working myself into getting everything done in one day that I used to.
I have also learned how to tell when I've hit my limit of the day. I know I have to keep myself going until 9:30 pm each day. I have learned to not over do myself or I will find myself back on the couch staring at nothing again. When I feel myself hitting that "limit", I know it's time to back off and find something less stressful to do, by doing this I can keep my self in check until the day is over. Sometimes, I can sit and play the piano for 20-40 min. This helps to distress myself enough to enjoy my kids and my life.
I am working to set more long term goals that are more simple. My spiritual goal this year is to read along with the Sunday School Lessons, this will help me achieve reading the Book of Mormon by the end this year. My physical goal is to exercise for 20 min. each day. By doing this, I hope to gain my strength back, I have not been able to do so many things. My body really has been stressed, and by doing something each day, I hope to increase my physical stamina. This should also help me feel better. For my happiness, I am working to find one something that I'm grateful for. To help me find the positive in life around me. There are so many good wonderful things, and I aim to find them!
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