This is my family as of August 2010. John and I will be married 17 years this coming February. It still blows me away at how fast the time has flown and all of it very good. We have our struggles, but who doesn't. What matters to us in the "lean years" is that we are both committed to each other and our family.
John is a computer tech working from home. When we have a computer problem, we are SO glad that he knows what he's doing. John loves to learn about anything and loves to work with our kids. John hates watching movies without the remote to fast forward the "slow" parts (thus, I don't watch movies with him unless in the theater). John has many friends and makes friends easily. He loves talking to them on the phone and I usually have to put his phone in "time out" so that he can get some work done.
I work as an aide at a local hospital working on their surgical transplant floor. I love meeting the patients and working with the staff. One day I will finish school, but I have loved being a stay at home mom and don't regret not having those years with just my kids to worry about. I play the piano (hence the title of our blog), but don't teach my own kids. I have been working on improving my skill and enjoy playing the Organ for church and the Piano for the Choir to nudge me along.
Rachel will be 15 this coming January. She is a great big sister. She loves to tease and pester, but in the end she is such a help with house and siblings. She loves to play the piano and to create her own music. She also plays the Clarinet and is hoping (hint hint) to learn to play the flute.
Sarah is 11 1/2 years old. She is the first to get others to laugh. She is outwardly caring towards others. She loves giving and receiving hugs. She also plays the piano and after a bit of practice can pretty much play anything (simple) that she hears. She also loves to sing. She has such a beautiful voice, but can be a bit shy about it in front of others.
Karl turned 8 this past August. He was SO excited to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was the only thing he talked about for the last year. He loves reading his scriptures and making sure that we all read as a family (not that we weren't without him). He loves gymnastics and practices his piano so that he can continue (that was the bargain). He does play the piano real well...when he practices. He picks up learning the concepts very fast. He loves playing with his brother and for the past year has insisted that they have a bunk bed and share a room. I finally relented this past summer. I don't know why I bought the bunk bed as they spend more time sleeping in the same bed than their separate beds.
Hyrum will be 5 in March. I don't know where the time has gone for him especially. He is the main reason for my starting this blog. And the main reason I have been bugged by others to start a blog. Hyrum was born with what is called Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral Spectrum. In English, this means he is not symmetrical. I will go into details later on as I don't want this particular post to be THAT long. But he is a great addition to our family. He loves to laugh, learn, and play with anybody. He knows his letter names and sounds, his colors and shapes. When driving, you can drive to the store and he can get you home with no help. He rides the bus to and from school and as we drive to the store, or elsewhere, he will tell us where everyone that rides the bus with him lives.
That is our family!
Congrats on starting a blog!! It is a wonderful way to get your feelings out. Even though I'm your neighbor, I still would love to hear all about what you're up to! You can visit my blog (it hasn't been updated in a long time, I'm behind!). It's
Oh, Nice I know who to come to for help on my display questions! I love your display looks!