It is always nice to get letters about your children. This is one letter from Hyrums school teacher.
I wanted to write a quick note about Hyrum. He makes me laugh. He has such a sweet spirit to him and such a sweet demeanor. He is always trying his best. I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your son! He is one amazing kid! I am constantly amazed at how wonderful he is. He is constantly looking out for others and he is always trying his hardest. He is kind to everyone. He sets goals and works hard to achieve them. He does his best and he always has a smile on his face. He is such a ray of sunshine in our classroom and it would not be the same without him! I am so proud of the things he has accomplished this year and I know he will do incredible things in the years to come! We are seriously so lucky to know him! Thanks for all that you do and give your son a high five and tell him he is incredible!
Have a good weekend!
Julianne Farley
Hyrums 2nd Grade Teacher