The girls loved taking trips with their Grandparents. But my folks felt kinda bad about not taking any of the other grandkids. So this round they decided to take 2 of George's kids that were the same age as my girls. The plan was to go to Phoenix for a wedding, then across Texas to David's house in Kentucky, up to Jonathan's house in South Dakota and then home...My folks came back and said 1) the trip was too long 2) the boys were
not used to sitting that long, 3) never again without parents. They
have since taken my 2 girls many times, but not any others without
Grandpa Phil Burrell
Trevor & Grandma JoAnne Burrell
Sarah, Loren, Grandma, Trevor, Grandpa
Loren & Brayden
David, Rachel, Trevor, Camri, Sarah, Brayden, Landen, Grandpa's feet
David on floor, Mariah, Camri, Rachel's back, Sarah
Jill, David
Mariah & Camri
Jacob & Loren
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
How Baby #4 came to be....
This is not a story that will make you laugh, so please be forewarned you will want tissues. I will be writing this with tissues next to me. If you want a story to make you laugh or be happy, please stop reading and find something else to fill your happy thought bucket. I thought of just cut and pasting my email's but thought that I would benefit more if I physically write out the story. I will use my email's though to get my dates correct and it will be easier to find my pictures.
So in order to tell the story of Hyrum, I think it is important to understand how we came up with the idea of Baby #4. His existence was not a "hey, let's have a baby" kind of thing. He came with lots of thought, prayers, moving, and doctor appointments. John and I both agree that we were ready for Baby #4 to come when Karl (Baby #3) was about 1 year old. He was such an agreeable kid, loved other baby's and just had that "I'm ready to be a big brother" attitude. We were nervous about having Baby #4 though. We had spent the past two pregnancies with my Hemorrhaging for two solid months. After Sarah (Baby #2) we were told it would never happen again...yeah right! After Karl, we were told it would happen with each pregnancy from here on. That kinda thought stops you in your tracks! I mean we are talking about serious bleeding here. So that was #1 reason why not to have a #4. The second reason was we were in the middle of a that lasted 3-4 months. Three kids in a studio hotel room is a HUGE deterrent to not having another one. When we did get settled, the doctors that we found thought we were insane to even want a 4th one. I mean the average # of kids in South Florida was 2. People looked at me like I was nuts for having 3! (My neighbor actually offered to pay for my Birth Control) So after a visit back in Utah with my OB that delivered Karl, he really wanted to see us have #4 (30 min deliveries...who wouldn't)...if we wanted to have another. Well of course we did! So we spent the next 6 months working out the minor details of moving back to Utah...Job, Selling House, Buying know those kinds of things.
The job took 2-3 months to secure.

Selling House, happened a little slow thanks to Wilma. But we had family and friends that lived close by (family was in Orlando 3 hours away) that came and put on a new roof and put our fence back up. We had two offers within the month.
The house came about as John was stuck in traffic and decided to drive through an old neighborhood that we had lived in. After talking to a neighbor from our Old House, we discovered that "our house" was for sale. John called me and asked if we wanted to buy our house back....buying a house was taken care of!
We spent that Christmas of 2005 repainting and re-carpeting our new house and moved in on Rachel's 9th Birthday! She kind of gets those kinda gifts more often than the others!
By February and March we were having Doctor appointments, blood draws, and Exploratory Surgeries trying to figure out the answer to the "Why Question." By May, we got the "Well everything looks good" and "Get pregnant and we will see what happens".
So we did, and That is how Baby #4 came to Be! With no premonition of what lay at the feet of Baby #4 or how our Faith, Testimony, and Family would be tried! Would we give up our Sweet Hyrum to not have endured watching him go through what he Had to go through? We had many sweet blessings and miracles come our way with our Hyrum. We never had a doubt that the Lord knew us personally and we Knew that our Savior was mindful of our family, though he did not take the pain away from us.

The job took 2-3 months to secure.
Selling House, happened a little slow thanks to Wilma. But we had family and friends that lived close by (family was in Orlando 3 hours away) that came and put on a new roof and put our fence back up. We had two offers within the month.
We spent that Christmas of 2005 repainting and re-carpeting our new house and moved in on Rachel's 9th Birthday! She kind of gets those kinda gifts more often than the others!
By February and March we were having Doctor appointments, blood draws, and Exploratory Surgeries trying to figure out the answer to the "Why Question." By May, we got the "Well everything looks good" and "Get pregnant and we will see what happens".
So we did, and That is how Baby #4 came to Be! With no premonition of what lay at the feet of Baby #4 or how our Faith, Testimony, and Family would be tried! Would we give up our Sweet Hyrum to not have endured watching him go through what he Had to go through? We had many sweet blessings and miracles come our way with our Hyrum. We never had a doubt that the Lord knew us personally and we Knew that our Savior was mindful of our family, though he did not take the pain away from us.
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